These Artists believe in doing everything artfully.
At one time people carved beautiful designs into powder horns, or told stories, or stitched needlework samplers. They spent more time in their heads and expressed their creativity everywhere. That’s the energy that Grey and Khrysso LeFey imbue into everything they do.
Not everyone has the time or inclination to arrange their eggs and bacon into sunbursts before they eat them like Grey often does. Not everyone has music playing in their head every waking moment like Khrysso. But that’s the energy that fortifies every bit of art that’s available from The Artists LeFey and the friends they represent here. Designers and artists and musicians and storyweavers, yes, and lovers of life who infuse their works with vitality.
We genuinely hope that if you need to bolster your place in the world, you may feel our art, or our music, or our writing, and it lends you strength and love.
The magic we make and why we make it.

It’s always been of paramount importance to share our creativity, like artists everywhere, but our goal is not profit. It’s sustenance. Of course we need to live and make art, and beyond that, our goal is to empower and enliven others in their creative pursuits. We’re not interested in having more money than God.
It’s why we keep our merch prices as low as possible. For people who feel our art and want to have it in their lives there are our fine art prints at LeFeyGallery.com. For queer family who want to express themselves we are SoFondaTees.com, our LGBTQIA+ boutique. For our music and writing, shop our Studio Store.
And then beyond paying our bills, please know your purchases help us to help others. We’re supporters of organizations that promote equality, creativity, and safety. We help authors to be published with our grants program, and we are working to establish an arts residency here at Shangri-LeFey Studios (a goal that has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic). And we have an awesome Patreon Team of supporters that you can join at a minimal obligation to make a maximum impact.