The LeFey Lifestyle

The LeFey Lifestyle

Thirty or forty years ago, lifestyle might have meant to some that we’re a gay couple, living an “alternative” lifestyle.

These days, what’s alternative about our lifestyle, we think, is more along the lines that our space is primarily art studio and office, with a little home space carved out of it.

How we function, based on our beliefs, is with an awareness that this planet and everything and everyone on it must live with regard for the benefit of all. We strive to lift each other up, to heal, to educate, and to protect and nurture. We are proponents, we are activists, for inclusion, equity, and justice.

It’s also how we conduct business. We have two e-commerce stores that offer products that empower and affirm others with beauty, warmth, and laughter. We’re self-publishers of books. We make music. We perform weddings and speak publicly. We create collectible art. We’re not against making money at all, but we believe in sustenance rather than in hoarding wealth and things, so we keep our prices affordable to empower others with no regard for class.

We strive to partner with others that embrace our beliefs: companies that invest in reducing waste and the carbon footprint; companies that invest in cleaner air, cleaner water, and restoration of habitats; companies that treat their associates with respect, fair compensation, and positive environment. We give as generously as possible to our community and to others who are working to make this planet, our Mother Earth, a better home for us all.

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